~Natural philosophy~


Compassion enables us to develop the ability to see things from others perspective and sympathize with their emotions.


Creativity helps to solve problems, generate more ideas and concepts that gives confidence to make a positive difference.


Commitment entails steadfastness and seriousness of disposition to a course of action towards its completion.


We create a private, collaborative environment to help individuals and communities find practical solutions to their disputes.

Our diverse library videos

Curating fine content from across the internet, it’s a matter of shift and lift more than net new creation.

The University of Rakamba, for example, regularly leverages its body of experts to provide analysis of world events, highlight exciting new research, cover breakthroughs, and reassure the world that they’re a leading global innovator and educator.


University Of Rakamba currently uses secure and trustworthy HTTPS protocol that nothing else can alter or intercept. The SSL encryption feature allows sensitive login credentials be encrypted and transmitted securely to prevent hackers from accessing your login credentials.

SSL protection

This feature provides privacy, security and protects the integrity of communication done over this website.

  • DDOs attack, passwords and hotlink protection.
  • https, encryption, cross-site scripting and spam secure.
  • Data backup, registry lock and two-factor authentication.

Mobile friendly

While doing your work on laptops and desktops, you can bet that they’re also engaging via mobile. For the next generation students, mobile is second nature.

University Of Rakamba responsive design structures appeals to an increasingly mobile audience. Responsive design means that the site automatically adjusts to mobile users, reformatting images and page layouts according to the visitors' screen sizes. It eliminates the need for horizontal scrolling on a mobile device, significantly increasing user experience as a result.

Online LIVE tutorials

My name is Mr. Rakamba and would like to welcome you all to my online BIOLOGY channel. Additionally, i will give you an overview of what you can expect from this platform as I utilize professional teaching pedagogies and digital education tools to help you learn.

Feel free to attempt and submit various subject assignments and activities herein as I look forward to working with you this semester. Welcome!

Live Chat

While doing your work on laptops and desktops, you can bet that they’re also engaging via live chat. For the next generation students, live chat is second nature.

The University Of Rakamba Live chat allows communication with website visitors in real time via chat windows. It is a complete customer service platform that delights our visitors through our customer service representatives. They utilize the program to provide support to users who have questions regarding the website navigation.